Holmavik Tourist Information in Strandir

Veitingaskáli N1 - N1 Service Station

N1 - söluskáli

510 Hólmavík
Sími: 455-3107

Netfang: ksholm@ksholm.is 
Vefur: www.n1.is

Opið alla daga frá 9:00-23:30 á tímabilinu júní-ágúst. Opið 10:00-22:00 virka daga og 11:00-22:00 um helgar á tímabilinu sep.-maí.

Veitingaskáli á Hólmavík, sjoppa og bensínsjálfsali frá N1.


N1 - Petrol Station

510 Hólmavík
Tel: 455-3107

Open from 9:00-23:30 during the summer.

Petrol station in Hólmavík, and a small shop with all kinds of sweets, drinks. The menu includes hot dogs, hamburgers and sandwiches and other refreshment.

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